
aBoUt mE

deCemBEr 2001

JanUArY 2002

fEBrUArY 2002

mARcH-ApRiL 2002


mOrE piX

LaTEsT sNipPetS

guEsT bOoK


LyRics oF ThE wEeK


WeLcOMe tO tHis BasICALly uNFiniSHeD WeBSiTE

Ok, here's the deal.
I made this web site to tell a story about how happy and miserable I am living in Japan, far far away from my beloved home country, Indonesia, between the October 2001 until September 2002. I should've made this page earlier, but unfortunately I'm just too darn lazy to do it.

What this website is all about

This website is mostly about ME (pretty exciting, huh?). And about the things I do while I'm in Japan.
Since I'm too lazy too write you all the details about my day to day life, so I will only present you with the highlight of my days in a month. I bet you all are grateful enough to get some crumbs and scarps of me here and there even if it's only a little...JUST KIDDING!

I up date this website almost everyday by adding bits and pieces here and there, so please feel free to drop by anytime you want. And if you sign my guest book, you can add any request you want to improve this superextraordinarisimo website!

And please excuse me if there are too many advertisments in this website. I know they suck, but what can you expect from a free website host? After all, I'm just a mere university student, you can't expect me to waste some sum of money to buy my own domain just to cater you whim!!

This is my yahoo club, SCRAMBLED EGG.. if you dare, join it!!

Click to subscribe to scrambled-egg

If you all noticed...

I'm using a lot of Keith Haring's works in this website. Well, I don't want to take the credits for all of his great works. It's just not my style. :p. So if some of you would like to know about him, just click the picture on the right!

And if you wanna know more about me... and then you feel that you just have to mail me... don't hesitate to click this!